Dress Up Your Purse updated bag strap review

From the last review on my YouTube channel, I had doubts about the straps I bought from Dress Up Your Purse. The leather quality was not quite what I would hope for, along with a few minor issues I encountered. After publishing that video, Dress Up Your Purse reached out to tell me that I bought these from their outlet section, and they had updated their straps with better material. The owner also suggested sending me their new strap for me to review. I was intrigued but needed to figure out what to expect because most companies claim that without tangible improvements.

Soon after our communication, I received their package in the mail. Opening the envelope, I was surprised to see they also sent me their Natural Vachetta Leather Mini Envelope Bag Charm! First of all, the mini envelope pouch is gorgeous! It looks similar to Louis Vuitton's Kirigami Pochette without the logo monogram. It has beautiful red painted edges, and the yellow stitching blends well with the natural leather color and is not as contrasting as what you would see on their website. The little envelope comes with a keyring and a dog clip on a chain so that you can attach it to your bag or pouch for convenience. I love how roomy it is in the envelope case. The space is generous enough that I can use it for my camera batteries or as a small wallet since it can fit all the cards I need and some cash.

In terms of the bag strap they sent me, I was surprised to see how different it is compared to the outlet version. They use two pieces of smooth leather and stitch them together so both sides of the strap look smooth and refined. One thing that bothered me from my last purchase was the strap catcher was loose and didn't serve its purpose. For the new one, the strap catcher has the proper tightness and holds the end strap well, so nothing dangles when I use it. In addition, the hardware is solid and is not flimsy. I love the shade of gold on the hardware; it has the proper shine and looks luxurious. The previous strap I bought from them had glazing on the edges, and for the new one, they don't apply glazing anymore. The edges are nicely smooth and painted to have a refined look without the potential glazing peeled-off issue.

The only negative thing is the shoulder pad. It is too small to help distribute the weight, and it is so tight that it is hard to adjust its position on the strap. I removed the shoulder bag because I wouldn't need it. The width of the strap is wide enough that it shouldn't hurt my shoulder.

Overall, I was happy with what I saw with the unbagging. Both items, the case, and the strap, are well made. The quality feels better than many bag straps I have tried. I am glad to see they constantly improve the product quality and give their customers more reasons to continue to support them.


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