Ordered Toilet Papers from Public Goods


With the COVID-19 status intensified, everyone deals with it differently. One of the strange trends was people hoarding toilet papers as if they were more important than having food on their tables. Then you started to see how bored people were being stuck at home. With all the extra toilet papers laying around, they piled them up to let their pets jumped over them, as a form of entertainment. To many others, who didn't jump on the trend of hoarding paper products, can't buy toilet paper anywhere.

Since I don't plan to go out in the next few weeks or longer, I have to get whatever I need to be delivered. After searching Amazon, HEB, WholeFoods online with no luck, the name Brandless came into my mind. Unfortunately, Brandless went out of business before I got a chance to try their products. With little hope left, I decided to Google them. That's when the company Public Goods came up in the search. At first glance, I did like their minimalist approach that is similar to Brandless. More importantly, they did have toilet papers and paper towels in stock! Hurray! Besides paper products, I thought I would get a few other items as well. I ordered their hand soap and a few of their packaged soups on top of toilet papers.

It took a while for my order to arrive. I think it was almost two weeks, but I don't remember the exact timeline. Things came well packed, and they added an extra box of tissue paper. Who doesn't like a free gift, right? In general, I did like what I saw and considered what had happened recently, I don't the shipping time was horrible. However, after a couple of days unpacking the items, I found one of the carrot soup packages leaked! It was a messy clean up I had to do, so I do hope they would improve their packaging quality. I emailed them regarding the issue, but I haven't heard anything back. Other than the packaging problem, I did like the soup, and I would recommend it, you just have to be more careful handling it.

If this quarantine situation continues or gets worse, I would definitely order more from them. For now, I hope everyone stays home, stays safe, and let's overcome this together!


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