Hand Lettering in my Moleskine

Happy New Year Hand Lettering

While flipping through my Moleskine pocket notebook, I was shocked to run across some hand lettering practice from 2016! Apparently, I was writing a Happy New Year greeting in 2016, which was already 8 years ago! It just shows how important it is to date your work; otherwise, it may be hard to see progress.

Multiple hand lettering work in my pocket notebook

Looking back, I do remember my obsession with hand lettering and calligraphy. For a couple of years, I practiced daily using different pens and trying out various styles of lettering. I even did some hand lettering work for a friend's wedding.

Hand Lettering telling myself to not wasting my time

Like many other passions in the past, a couple of years seems to be a cut-off point for my interest. Not that I didn't try hard enough to make it happen; I simply didn't have a business mind to make it work. I try not to be so harsh and critical of myself as I age. A lot could happen during that period; sometimes, it was beyond what I could control.

I still enjoy hand lettering, but I don't do it daily or as much as I used to.

Hand Lettering work in my Moleskine Pocket Notebook


Drawing my dog


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