Afternoon Walk at Brandywine Springs Park

After days of rain, I decided to get out to take some pictures. Looking around on Google Maps, I saw that Brandywine Springs Park has a creek/stream running through it; I thought it would add more visual interest for photos.

Getting to the park was relatively easy and it wasn't crowded like the parks I visited in Austin. Even though the fall weather was beautiful, most trees still held onto their greenness. I love having a photowalk during this time of the year because you can walk a whole afternoon without breaking a sweat.

Without knowing much about the park, I was surprised to see that it was an amusement park about 100 years ago. From the many illustrations available at the park, I also noticed there used to be a train track running through the area. It was like a resort town, which you would now see in some popular cities.

Unfortunately, most of the historical remains were gone, but I saw what nature could do in 100 years. Besides the hiking trails, I didn't see much left from its glorious time.

Later on, after I returned, I also learned that there was a four-story hotel in the area because people would gather there to retrieve and use the mineral springs' water.

Sometimes history is a mystery. It is hard to get into details of why all of this went away, and the community decided not to continue to develop the area. However, I am grateful I got the opportunity to walk around the park in a quiet afternoon and enjoy the cool breeze and some bird songs.


Visiting Valley Forge National Historical Park


Attending Mid-Autumn Festival in Philadelphia Chinatown